
Development.... in double quotes

if at all you decide to enter a river with fast current, the only thing you need to wish for is a safe rock to hold on. The lady who comes to clean my house had a story to tell. She used to live in a similar small locality, a village, no pucca roads, far too quite, no traffic blocks, no shopping malls. And all of a sudden like the sky darkens before the downpour comes hoodies, dirty, ugly, in foreign car, they wore gold bracelets for no reasons, they spit everywhere of heat and frustration. Well here they came and showed some think bundles of currencies. He had a box full, in turn he just wanted the land, it was a straight forward deal, he was talking about malls, development, infrastructure, oppurtunities, city, IT etc etc and asked to imagine some dirty looking slum with dirty looking people wearing dothees and hardly any footwears around, she didn’t understand probably, she agreed infact that it may not look impressive. She sold her land, so did many others and they all shifted 10 kms outer from the city. Soon the investments grew, builds grew, road width grew, vehicles grew and within a blink of the eye the city grew from its boundaries, people from every nook and corner flocked in…some compained about the poor development while some appreciated the excellent development. She saw all that, occassionally boasting to me that the 8000/month rent house where I am staying used to be her home. Each time when she finish saying that, I feel that inside her when she lowers her head and in silence her vanity and sadness torture her to a bad shape, I tried imagining her in her old home in her old fashioned un-developed town…it would have looked like my own village, my own house. Her expenses have risen now, she wasn’t aware of the 'development' that was happening in the city filled with people earning 5 digits salary per month and who crib in the liesure time claiming that they are not able to meet their basic needs with such a "meager" income and at the same time redeculing the useless bunch going on protest (and disrupting the development) . She then said her friends are going for a protest lead by the present opposition to find a solution for the inflation and infrastructure, so I didn’t let my previous thoughts speak out. She came to me yesterday and said that she is moving out of this city, few people dressed in disgustingly bright white shirt and dhothi came to her house and asked for land to allow multi national car companies to build the cheapest cars for common man to improve the economy and boost development in the country. It made lot of sense, even when there are plenty of uncultivated arid land available the best business pro government can give the best available land after all it is for the development. Again they were ready to pay her the best quote - double the cost and were very eager to displace the whole housing colony as soon as possible. Some say that the City is crushing the villages underneath it, while some are saying that City is bringing better prospects to Villages, I try to stay unbiased. She left the next day, don’t know where to... but how far could have she gone…..Every now and then I hear the news of India's development…and now my ears have started to ache!